Here is a movie that almost nobody has ever heard of and yet almost EVERYBODY SHOULD SEE. Shuji Terayama is one of the most original artists to have ever worked on film, and also one whose work has been completely neglected by the copyrighted commercial distribution system (none of the movies that have defined his style have ever been released in the US, for example). Thanks God, we're now finally getting them through the Internet!This rip has been originally released by auess. With the English subs added, it will hopefully receive the due attention. The subs have been assembled from a few sources, and they are most certainly imperfect (please send me the corrections, if you have any). However, I hope they will be helpful (words are quite important here, even despite of the mind-blowing imagery)
NO puedo ver las capturas...
tranqui conri, estoy yo con los subs....en breve, en breve...
Subs enviados a la espera de actualizar la ficha.
Perdona tío, no quería presionar.