otra reseña, negativa pero tirando a positiva, extraída de lovehkfilm:
[...]Right away, you can tell that this is not a movie to be taken seriously.[...]Again, this is not a movie to be taken seriously.[...]The White Dragon pushes romance instead of action as the film's primary drama, which will probably turn off anybody who checks out the film's poster and thinks its going to be House of Flying Daggers redux.[...]As current Hong Kong Cinema goes, The White Dragon qualifies as a minor little surprise because it mixes the familiar with the modern in a non-offensive, relatively pleasing manner. And while that may not sound like a recipe for success, it sure beats The Twins Effect II. (Kozo 2004)
básicamente viene a decir que es disfrutable siempre y cuando no esperes ver una especie de Hero o House of flying daggers, y que no te tomes en serio nada de lo que veas.