Autor Tema: The Mountain People (Vichit Kounavudhi, 1979) [Tailandia]  (Leído 478 veces)

Desconectado Danyyyy

  • Renshi
  • Judan
  • *****
  • Mensajes: 27.834
  • Ryos: 4577
Título:The Mountain People
Título V.O:Khon phuu kaow
Director:Vichit Kounavudhi
Año/País:1979 / Tailandia
Duración:132 minutos
Reparto:Montri Jen-aksorn, Valaikorn Paovarat
Ficha de:Danyyyy

Desconectado Danyyyy

  • Renshi
  • Judan
  • *****
  • Mensajes: 27.834
  • Ryos: 4577
The Mountain People (Vichit Kounavudhi, 1979) [Tailandia]
« Respuesta #1 en: 28 Junio, 2019, 15:26:33 »
Sinopsis momentánea en inglés: Customs of the mountain people has always been strict and respectful to themselves. Doing something wrong will be considered as being disrespect to the spirits. Marrying someone from a different tribe is also wrong. Giving birth to twins, she and her husband together with the kids will have to leave the tribe.