After her mother dies, the innocent country girl Li Qingqing comes to Hong Kong to live with her uncle, who is a pianist in a nightclub band. While waiting for him, she runs into an inebriated Pengang who is the son of a wealthy businessman. After finding out that she can sing, he forces her to do so in front of a crowd of friends – perhaps to amuse them – but instead she knocks them dead with her rendition of “Mountain Song”. Feeling embarrassed the next day, Pengang uses his influence to get her a job singing in a nightclub, and her performances become more polished and she becomes a quick success. They begin to go out, they fall in love but...
parece medio un culebron ¿no?
EDIT: Por cierto, he convertido los subtítulos a .srt y los he subido a Kloofy. Sólo con ver la fuente casi me dan náuseas...