An adaptation of manga series The Legend of Kamui (1964-71).An orphan cast out of his village, Kamui (Matsuyama Kenichi, Death Note) joined a ninja clan at a young age and became a deadly assassin. Now an adult, he’s grown weary of the ninja lifestyle, and leaving the clan commits an act of betrayal. On the run, Kamui finds refuge in a quiet village where a fisherman and his family take him in. When an old foe, Sugaru (Koyuki, The Last Samurai), recognizes him and suspects he’s there to kill her, she decides to finish him first. To make matters worse, the lord of the region is looking to punish the villagers for the killing his horse. Even if Kamui and Sugaru can settle their differences and protect the village from the lord’s men, both are still being pursued by the ninja hunters.
el sabado alguien subio unos nuevos subtitulos en kloffy
que tal gente, alguien encontro sub en espanñol?