Terence Chang, best known for his collaborations with internationally renowned filmmaker John Woo, handled the directorial duties for this surprisingly conventional horror film reminiscent of the American slasher cycle of the early '80s. The usual band of clueless teenagers and a young boy on a sailing trip find themselves in Coral Cove, where a mutant sea-dwelling humanoid is attacking swimmers and ripping them to shreds. Eventually, the white-eyed creature (Roy Cheung) comes on land to finish off the kids. Leung Yuen-ching stars in this formula chiller with Alex Fong and Woo Fung.
Ripper/Uploader's Comment: This movie is extreme rare. I bought this vcd in the early 90's. This time the vcd and the vhs are very difficulty to be gotten.
I considered for a long time whether i am to upload the movie, because it concerns a CUT version here.
On the other hand it does not seem to give an uncut version. Both Versions (vcd and vhs from Ocean Shores are cut).
* Notas: Versión UNCUT inencontrable (quizá ni esté editada, aunque el primer cartel parece de otra distribuidora...
). Audio: Dual Mandarín/Cantonés pero al analizar el fichero (supongo que por el formato) me da sólo una pista de audio, no sé si es que es la misma para los 2 idiomas o que algo he hecho mal. Si alguien puede aclararlo...¡muchas gracias!