This is an animated adaptation of Ma Wing-Shing’s comic book series Feng Yun (Wind, Claud), which was made to, The Storm Riders, a live-action movie back in 1998. Director Lam Chiu-Yin, animators of Shenzhen-based Puzzle Animation Studio spent five years to complete this project, which is written by Xi Jichang and helmed by Hong Kong director Dante Lam (2000 AD, The Twins, Effect, Sniper).
The story starts with two young boys, Wind and Cloud, slaughtered the Fire Kylin and absorbed its blood, which can make them super strong with the side-effect of turning evil. With their newly gained power, they killed the evil Conquer and then Wind, who can no longer control the evilness within his body, turned against his friend. Then a young sword-maker, whose entire family was massacred by the government, comes looking for Wind and Cloud, because the Fire Kylin’s blood inside their body will make the sword-maker’s word, a family heirloom, battle-ready!!!