A funny drama set in a high school, where one student's colored past seems to preceed him wherever he goes. The opening scene at the chalkboard is eerily reminiscent of a recent Horatio Sanz sketch on Saturday Night Live...and equally kooky.-----Hui Chi-Ho (Jimmy Lin) is a seconday college student, coming from a rich family. It causes the dissatisfaction of "Crow", the big brother in the class, and he always finds ways to challenge Ho. Fortunately, "Eagle" (Takeshi Kaneshiro) gives him some help. Ho is really grateful to what Eagle has done. At the same time, the assassins from the underworld are revenging "Eagle"...
Según las más fiables es de Taiwán Además, es muy posible que esté doblada... pero aún así me apunto. No creo que salga otro ripeo de ésta.