"Brutal Sorcery" is a ridiculous tale of black magic, ghosts, and witchcraft. It concerns a young man who is possessed by a witch, acts crazy, pukes up noodles, and delivers line after line of hilarious dubbing. This movie is so absurd I am wondering if it was meant to be a spoof on the Asian black magic films which regularly involve possession, oozing sores, and vomited snakes. The movie isn't too hard to follow but it's been so long since I last saw it I can't remember much. And even if I had seen it just days earlier I probably still wouldn't remember much since this is honestly forgettable garbage. Good for a few inconsistent laughs.
Al parecer el ripeador se equivocó al hacer la ficha en ACF; no tiene subs en inglés, si no que está doblada Desde luego...