alguine me podría hacer una breve sinopsis?
mira que he mirado en IMDB y na', ni sinopsis ni nada. Y en la p´çagina oficial, pues como que tampoco entiendo nada, la sinopsis está escrita en kanjis.
eso sí, tiene buena pinta, el trailes me ha gustado.
arigato por la ficha
he econtrado la sinopsis de yahoo film, os la pego, por si a alguien le sirv,e la verdad es que pinta buena la peli:
Focuses on two brothers who lost their parents when they were younger. The older brother works exhaustngly hard to earn enough money to send his younger brother to college. One day the older brother breaks into a house to get money for tuition and he accidentally kills an old woman. From here the younger brother's tragic fate begins. Everything he has starts to slip away--his house, job, dream and lover--everything. But his older brother keeps sending letters regularly to tell of his life in jail. It is difficult to cut the bonds of brotherhood and he struggles to get out of his abyssal reality. Finally he meets a woman who saves him from his crisis. When he is in a threatening situation in which he is about to lose his small happiness with her he decides to cut the "vicious chain of letters" which are being sent from inside of the walls of prison.