From the creators of the blockbuster Bayside Shakedown franchise comes a hilarious and heartwarming comedy about family, life, and that perfect bowl of Udon. After smashing records with Bayside Shakedown 2, producer Kameyama Chihiro and director Motohiro Katsuyuki continued their streak in 2005 with the popular Bayside spin-off film Negotiator Mashita Masayoshi starring Yusuke Santamaria. In 2006, the trio found a tasty new inspiration in Udon, an entire film dedicated to the magic of those chewy wheat noodles.An udon enthusiast and Kagawa native himself, Motohiro did extensive field research to find the best shops and recipes to showcase on screen and help spread the love for the noodle. The filmmakers even took their mission abroad by opening an udon stand at the 2006 Cannes film market. An earnest yet tongue-in-cheek celebration of life and food, Udon is a mouth-watering joy to watch. After all, home is where the udon is.Kosuke (Yusuke Santamaria), the son of an udon shop owner, lives in a tiny town in Kagawa prefecture known for its udon noodles. Kosuke, however, is sick of his hometown, and even more sick of udon. He decides to try his luck in New York, only to return six months later in debt-ridden disappointment. Back at home, he meets flighty food column editor Kyoko (Konishi Manami, Orange Days), and the two happen upon a bowl of delicious udon noodles that will change their lives.
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