July 32nd is a grim Korean indie drama directed by Jin Seung-hyeon, screened at the 2008 Fukuoka Film Festival and the 2008 Shanghai Film Festival, and based upon the short story “Full Moon” by acclaimed writer Ko Un. The film deals with themes of abandonment, revenge, loneliness and prostitution in a handed down to earth manner, depicting the tumultuous relationship of a killer and his daughter, whose lives are upturned on July 31, 1987. Pursued by the police, he leaves his five-year-old daughter in someone else's care, promising to pick her up the next day. But the next day never comes because he soon gets arrested. Years later, the abandoned daughter has grown up, and the waiting has turned into the longing for revenge.
* Según diferentes infos (corregir si no son correctas, please), la peli es una producción del 2007, se presentó en festivales durante el 2008 y se editó en DVD el 2010.
* En PR, ya que estamos 2 fuentes completas, pero una aparece y desaparece bastante a menudo.