The Duke, who lives in a mysterious castle in the suburban London, is the only vampire left in the world. When he fells guilty to injure a little orphan, he decides to save him by using his immortal blood. This is seen by Anna, who is a beautiful fashion designer from Hong Kong and attracts the Duke at first sight. However, the secret of the Duke is discovered by Anna's brother, Fung, who pursues for it to get almighty power. He then kidnaps both the Duke and the orphan to Hong Kong. At the same time, Anna and the Duke's servant hurry back to Hong Kong to rescue them. Nevertheless, on the way to escape, the Duke is forced to bite Fung, making him a vampire. The Duke then determines to kill Fung to stop him from killing people. The war between good and evil starts.
La película es un tanto simplona, pero despide un "clima" que echaba un tanto de menos. (...)