Barah Aana is a comedy of real life, set in today's Mumbai. The story revolves around three unlikely friends: a driver (Shukla), a watchman (Yadav), and a waiter (Aman). The driver is an older man, stoic but dependable. The watchman, in his 30s, is a pushover at work but otherwise mischievous. The waiter is a young, swaggering chap, brimming with ambition. Living together, their differing attitudes spark playful banter. At some point, misfortune befalls the watchman and, due to a series of chance events, he stumbles into a crime. Striking upon a seemingly low-risk way to make good money, and discovering a new sense of self-confidence, he tries to entice the others to join him in a series of such crimes. Cat and mouse games ensue between the three as personalities change, but events soon spiral out of control, leading them in a direction none of them had wanted to take... Featuring a talented ensemble cast, Barah Aana is based on an original script.
Gracias Pismo. Para abajo.
Cita de: racso en 03 Septiembre, 2009, 17:53:13Gracias Pismo. Para abajo. ¡Qué la ficha es de Spin!
Cita de: Pismo en 05 Septiembre, 2009, 20:29:12Cita de: racso en 03 Septiembre, 2009, 17:53:13Gracias Pismo. Para abajo. ¡Qué la ficha es de Spin! Que empanamiento el mio.I'm sorry Spindi.