A familiar face from movies like Mother and Chaw, character actor Yoon Je Moon takes his first leading role in the 2009 movie The Man Next Door. Directed by Jang Dong Hong, the comedic drama revolves around a real estate agent who's married with children, but also keeps a young lover and sleeps around. His life is all about the money and sex, and he only needs one more thing to complete his dream: a Mercedes-Benz. Just as he's about to make his dream come true, everything goes fabulously wrong. What The Man Next Door lacks in star power, it makes up for with quality casting, bringing in talented supporting actors like Choi Hong Il, Kim Hwa Ran, and Kim Sung Mi, not to mention child actor Kim Hee Soo from Lady Daddy.
* Producción del 2009 estrenada el 2010.