Synopsis: Prolific exploitation director Masaru Konuma made this first of Nikkatsu Studios' sadism-themed softcore roughies. Morio Kazama stars in this story of an upwardly-mobile banker whose boss introduces him to the adopted daughter of a wealthy client. He falls in love with the girl and wants to marry her, not knowing that she is involved in a kinky sadomasochistic relationship with her artist father. Konuma, who went on to direct Hana To Hebi and the trash-classic Ikenie Fujin (both 1974), keeps the story as interesting as the erotica, making an honest attempt to explore the dynamics of the girl's conflicted desires. Yuri Yamashina, best known to American genre fans for the drive-in favorite Sengoku Rokku Hayate No Onnatachi (1974), gives a thoughtful and sexy performance as the obsessed daughter. By Robert Firsching.
Gracias vacaloca por la ficha, tiene buen culo pero no tiene subtítulos, lástima
Gracias vacaloca por la ficha, tiene buen culo pero no tiene subtítulos, lástima Pd: he puesto los datos que faltaban y unas capturas en tu post