Like the similar Human Pork Chop, There is a Secret in My Soup is the true-crime tale of a grisly Hong Kong murder involving a human skull stuffed into the innards of a widely-marketed plush toy. Michael Wong stars as a cop investigating a dismembered corpse, and as the perpetrators get interrogated, the details leading up to the heinous human act are a terror to behold. Maggie Chan (Chan Chil Chil) is kicked out by her husband and is soon introduced to pimp Rocky (Hugo Ng), who puts her to work as a prostitute. But when he catches Maggie stealing his cash, Rocky and his accomplices (Angela Tong and Gabriel Harrison) proceed to torture and abuse Maggie, leading to her eventual death and dismemberment, and the placement of her skull in a stuffed doll. The events depicted by director Yeung Chi Kin are well-known to Hong Kong citizens, as they were bandied about publicly only weeks before the premiere of There is a Secret in My Soup. Like other notorious Category III true-crime films such as The Untold Story and Dr. Lamb, There is a Secret in My Soup depicts the depths of human depravity in unflinching, gut-wrenching detail that's sure to intrigue fans of over-the-top, gripping midnight cinema.
Observaciones: Como se puede ver por las capturas, la calidad del ripeo es bastante regularcilla, aparte de llevar los subs. incrustados. He encontrado unos subs. para un ripeo de BIT, pero el link, desaparecido en combate. Supongo que la fuente es un VCD, por la pinta, ya que no he encontrado ninguna información, y el ripeo dura 7 minutos menos que los 91 minutos detallados en, así que en algunas escenas se notan cortes bruscos pero no afectan a la trama ni al desarrollo de la peli. Por último, un detalle curioso: El muñeco-escondite es igual que el del caso real, y aparece siempre pixelizado.