Based on a medical-themed novel written by real-life doctor Toshihiko Oogane focusing on a wide array of the moral conundrums faced by doctors on a daily basis. Oogane’s stories were first told through the 1989 manga “Mesu yo Kagayake!!” which was serialized in Business Jump for four years. The film is set in 1989 and revolves around a gifted surgeon named Toma Tetsuhiko (Shinichi Tsutsumi) who became a doctor after losing his mother at a young age due to a faulty diagnosis and now is hired by a city hospital. While there, he’s forced to take a stand against the rampant corruption in the medical field as well as the callous decisions of uncaring doctors. Meanwhile, he makes the controversial decision to end the life of a brain-dead patient in order to procure a new liver for the town’s mayor as his resentful colleagues conspire against him.